Phoenix mine drone

Attractive workplacesMining


Inkonova AB


Paul Mallol



Purpose and goal
We have focused in the areas below with very useful results for the development of the future Phoenix mine drone: 1. Propeller aerodynamics 2. New drone concept. 3. Increase the reliability of the drones and the development of the anti-collision system.

Structure and implementation
1. Calculation models were validated against in-house bench tests conducted at Inkonova with a computerised thrust test bench for different rotational speeds at stationary air conditions. 2. A new drone design with central propellers to increase the lift at the same drone size and a streamlined body to minimise heat transfer was conceptualised. 3. The reliability of the current mine drone and the base of Phoenix has been tested as well as an underground adapted collision avoidance system necessary for flight in unknown environments.

1. Propeller aerodynamics: We intend to extend the blades and increase the angle of inclination to compensate for the reduced drag force that the high temperatures cause. 2. New drone concept: the new concept with two central engines gives us better performance without increasing the drone’s size. 3. Increase the drone’s reliability and develop the anti-collision system: most of the components have been characterised and a custom motherboard has been created. The anti-collision system we developed will increase the reliability of future autonomous tasks.
